About Reproduction and Fertility


Reproduction and Fertility is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing research and reviews on basic, translational and clinical reproduction and fertility, across all animals, including humans.

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Publication model
Publication metrics
Peer review
Article types
Submitting an article
Publication charges
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Research data


Publication model


Reproduction and Fertility is a fully gold open-access journal. Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. Articles are freely available to everyone to read and reuse immediately upon publication, provided the terms of the licence are met.

For more information, please see our Open Access page


Publication metrics

  • Time to first decision: Reproduction and Fertility aims to return a decision on a peer-reviewed article within two weeks
  • Time to online publication: Accepted manuscripts are published online and are fully citable within 24 hours of acceptance
  • Impact Factor: 2.8


Peer review


Articles published in Reproduction and Fertility undergo peer review before acceptance. Key facts about the peer-review process are given below:

  • identity transparency: single anonymized
  • reviewer interacts with: editor
  • review information published: none

If an article is not accepted for publication, we may offer the author the opportunity to transfer their submission to other suitable journals published by Bioscientifica.

More information about the peer-review process can be found on our Peer-review process page.


Article types


Reproduction and Fertility publishes the following types of article:

  • Research Articles
  • Reviews
  • Commentaries
  • Research Letters
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Protocols


Submitting an article to Reproduction and Fertility


Authors can find all the information needed to prepare articles for submission to Reproduction and Fertility on our Author Guidelines page.

Once an article is ready to submit, authors are advised to visit our How to Submit page.

Submissions are managed though the Reproduction and Fertility ScholarOne Manuscripts site.


Publication charges


Reproduction and Fertility has the following publication charges:

  • Article Publication Charge (APC): £900, plus VAT where applicable. Authors can currently receive a 50% discount on the APC until 2 January 2025. From 3 January 2025, the full publication fee of £1800 will apply. Please see the Publication charges page for more details.
  • Colour charges: There are no colour charges when publishing in Reproduction and Fertility.




Reproduction and Fertility maintains the highest standards of publication and research ethics and is a member of the Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors, Reviewers and Editors are expected to comply with Bioscientifica’s Ethical Policy.



Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Reproduction and Fertility recognises that there are biases and inequalities in the publishing system. We are committed to scrutinising our own processes and policies to prevent bias, reduce inequality and better represent and serve our diverse community of authors, reviewers, editors and readers.



Research data


Reproduction and Fertility supports open data and strongly encourages authors to publicly release all data supporting the analysis and conclusions of primary research articles, on or before publication of the article.

All primary research articles published in Reproduction and Fertility should include a Data Availability Statement.

More information is on our Research data page.




Reproduction and Fertility is indexed in:

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI; Web of Science)
  • Google Scholar
  • Medline
  • PubMed and PubMed Central
  • Scopus


Digital preservation


Articles published in Reproduction and Fertility are archived in LOCKSS and Portico to ensure that these articles are preserved in the long term.