

Endometriosis special series banner


Reproduction and Fertility has a growing collection of free-to-read, reviews and research articles focused on the topic of Endometriosis. This special series is Guest Edited by Lauren Foster, along with Series Associate Editor, Mathew Leonardi.

“Endometriosis is a common gynecological and systemic inflammatory disease affecting approximately 179 million people assigned female at birth worldwide. Despite being such a common disease with a high economic burden, endometriosis remains underfunded and under-researched. While important advances have been made over the years in defining the pathophysiology of endometriosis, its cause remains ill defined, diagnosis continues to present challenges and therapeutic options are suboptimal. In this special series, we have recruited international experts to provide insights and perspectives into the latest advances in endometriosis research. With this special series, we aim to summarize the current state of 'leading edge' research and opinion in endometriosis.”

This series is guest edited by Lauren Foster, alongside Associate Editor Mathew Leonardi.


Read the latest articles published in the ‘Endometriosis’ special series:


Current endometriosis care and opportunities for improvement
Charlotte Pickett, Warren G Foster and Sanjay K Agarwal

Stressful experiences impact clinical symptoms in people with endometriosis
Lysia Demetriou, Christian M Becker, Beatriz Martínez-Burgo, Adriana L Invitti, Marina Kvaskoff, Razneen Shah, Emma Evans, Claire E Lunde, Emma Cox, Kurtis Garbutt, Krina T Zondervan, Elaine Fox and Katy Vincent

The microbiome and endometriosis
Carlos H Miyashira, Fernanda Reali Oliveira, Marina Paula Andres, Julian A Gingold and Mauricio Simões Abrão

Endometriosis – novel approaches and controversies debated
Warren (Lauren) G Foster and Mathew Leonardi

The future of diagnostic laparoscopy – Cons
Sarah Simko and Kelly N Wright

‘Seeing is believing’: arguing for diagnostic laparoscopy as a diagnostic test for endometriosis
Jason Mak, Mathew Leonardi, and George Condous

Endometriosis and the effects of dietary interventions: what are we looking for?
Annemiek Nap and Nicole de Roos

Endometriosis in transmasculine individuals
Cecile A Ferrando

Insights from genomic studies on the role of sex steroids in the aetiology of endometriosis
Philippa T K Saunders

Revisiting the impact of race/ethnicity in endometriosis
Olga Bougie, Ikunna Nwosu, and Chelsie Warshafsky

Nonhormonal therapy for endometriosis based on energy metabolism regulation
Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Shigetomi, and Shogo Imanaka

Nocebo effects in the treatment of endometriosis
Peter Thiel, Matthew J Burke, Philippa Bridge-Cook, and Mathew Leonardi



Collection Editors 
Photograph of Dr Lauren Foster Lauren Foster
McMaster University, Canada
Guest Editor
Photograph of Dr Mathew Leonardi Mathew Leonardi
McMaster University, Canada
Series Associate Editor