Editorial Board Disclosure Policy
(Last updated December 2023)
All editors responsible for recommending or making publication decisions are requested to disclose on an annual basis any potential conflict of interest, including current or recent financial relationships with any commercial entity whose products or services may be contained in the journal content.
The following competing interests were disclosed:
Kate Brian – Financial activities: paid staff member at patient charity Fertility Network UK and paid for lay work for HEE. Intellectual property: author of five books but do not receive royalties. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: none, but I edit the Journal of Fertility Counselling.
Antonio Capalbo – Financial activities: full time employee of Igenomix. Personal fees: Speaker honoraria from Merck.
Ying Cheong – Financial activities: Advisor on scientific committee for Abbott. Personal fees: Speaker fees from Merck, Nordic Pharma. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Editorial Board Member for Human Fertility, Scientific Reports and ESHRE SIG Reproductive Endocrinology coordinator.
Pierre Comizzoli – Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics and Theriogenology journal.
Wei Cui – Financial activities: Currently hold faculty grants from NICHD of NIH and USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture/Hatch. Personal fees: Honorarium received from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 2018 for teaching mouse embryo microinjections and from NIH in 2023 for Early Career Reviewer in ICER study section. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Academic Editor for PeerJ and PLOS One; Associate Editor for Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Frontiers in Veterinary Science (Section: Animal Reproduction).
W Colin Duncan – Personal Fees: Support to attend conference from educational grant from Merck who had no influence on the content.
Andrew Horne – Financial activities: receives grant funding and does consultancy work for Roche Diagnostics. Personal fees: received honoraria from GSK and Myovant for lecturing. Intellectual property: I have a patent filed for novel genetic markers associated with response to gabapentin treatment and methods of use thereof. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Board Member of SEUD.
Sun-Wei Guo – Financial activities: Research grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, and Shanghai Shenkang Hospital Development Center. Personal fees: Consultancy to BioHaven, Heranova Lifesciences, Sound Bioventures, and BioGeneation VC. Non-financial support: Travel expenses from the Society of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders (SEUD). Intellectual property: Patent holder for the Chinese patent ZL202011564751.8. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders, Associate Editor, Gynecological and Obstetrical Investigation; member of the editorial board on Italian Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Elango Kamaraj – Financial activities: I receive my salary from University of Eastern Finland for my position (Postdoctoral researcher) up to December 2023.
Francesca Klinger – Financial activities: Research grant from Merck. Personal fees: Received webinar fee from Merck.
Mathew Leonardi – Financial activities: Research grant from Hyivy Health. Personal fees: Fees for consulting – AbbVie; Honoraria – Bayer, TerSera; Freelance writing – Skyword/GE Healthcare. Non-financial support: Accommodation paid for by International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology for World Congress Berlin 2019 and World Congress Singapore 2018. Registration for International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology for World Congress 2020, 2021. Registration for AIUM 2022. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Editorial Board Member of The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology and Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Raymond Li – Financial activities: Received financial support for company-initiated research from Ferring Pharmaceuticals. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Associate Editor, BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, Associate Editor, Human Reproduction Open, Editorial Board Member, BJOG, Guest Editor, Frontiers in Endocrinology.
Federica Lopes – Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Early career representative for the Society for Reproduction and Fertility.
Sarah Martins da Silva – Non-financial support: Travel expenses to attend Fertility 2023, Ferring pharmaceuticals. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Associate Editor for Human Reproduction, (ESHRE journal).
Claudia Massarotti – Personal Fees: Honoraria for clinical preceptorship from Roche.
Amanda De Mestre – Financial activities: Currently hold grants from the Horserace betting levy board, Thoroughbred Breeders Association and Alborada Trust for research performed in the laboratory. Personal fees: Employee of the Royal Veterinary College, University of London. Occasional fees paid for the delivery of a lecture(s) at veterinary CPD events, various venues, countries and organisations. Non-financial support: Travel paid to attend meetings to perform roles as member of Society of Reproduction and Fertility Council and as committee member and Treasurer of the International Symposium for Equine Reproduction. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Associate Editor for Frontiers in Reproduction and Endocrinology.
Chelsea Morroni – Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: I am currently serving on the editorial board of Contraception and as Specialty Chief Editor for Frontiers in Global Women’s Health.
Brett Nixon – Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: I am currently serving as an Associate Editor for Molecular Human Reproduction, Frontiers in Endocrinology (sub-section: Reproduction) and the Asian Journal of Andrology. I also hold the position of Section Editor (Gametogenesis and fertilization) for BMC Developmental Biology.
Willem Ombelet – Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Member of the editorial board of Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Journal of Clinical Medicine and Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn.
Alex Polyakov – Personal fees: Consulting and lecture fees from Merck, Organon, Ferring. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Review Editor for Frontiers in Reproductive Health – Assisted Reproduction.
Richard Quinton – Personal fees: Sandoz: Speaker honorarium (2019) – £500, Bayer: Speaker honoraria (2019)– £1,000, Thornton & Ross: Speaker honorarium (March 2021) – £500, Sandoz: Speaker honorarium (Nov 2021) – £1,200, Besins: Speaker honorarium (Dec 2021) – £1,600, Besins: Speaker honorarium (May 2022) – £1,600. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology & Metabolism, Minerva Endocrinologica, Journal of Clinical & Scientific Research.
Cecilia Sjoblom – Non-financial support: Merck and Vitrolife for conference support.
Norah Spears – Personal fees: Honoraria for examining – no conflict of interest; expenses for travel eg examining – no conflict of interest. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Honoraria for editorial work already underway when started as RAF co-EiC (Reproduction; COEMR).
Carla Tomassetti – Financial activities: For the past 2 years: Merck SA: grant for clinical fellowship in reproductive endocrinology (to institution, no private revenue), speaker's fee (to institution, no private revenue), sponsoring of congress attendance; Ferring: sponsoring of congress attendance; Gedeon Richter: sponsoring of congress attendance. Personal fees: Merck SA: speaker's fee (to institution, no private revenue). Non-financial support: sponsorship for congress attendance (registration, travel, accomodation); Merck SA, Ferring, Gedeon Richter.
Adam Watkins – Personal fees: Payment for time and services as external examiner at the University of Southampton and Imperial College London, in 2021. I will continue my role as external examiner for the University of Southampton in 2022.
Nick Wheelhouse – Personal fees: Food Standards Agency (member of Advisory Committee on Animal Feedstuffs), Innovate UK (Assessor), Royal Veterinary College (External examiner), University of Liverpool (Guest lecturer), University of Southampton (PhD examiner). Non-financial support: Cote d'Ivoire Societe de Microbiologie (travel expenses to give plenary talk at conference). Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Associate Editor, Veterinary Sciences (MDPI Associate Editor).
Jack Wilkinson – Financial activities: Currently hold research grants from NIHR. Personal fees: Paid peer review for BJOG: An international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Stats Review Panel, BJOG: An international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology; Stats Editor, Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility; Methodologic Editor, Fertility and Sterility.
The following editor reported no competing interests:
- Rohan Chodankar
- Ezekiel Mecha
- M Mehdi Ommati
- Claire Stenhouse
- Suzannah Williams
- Jingfei Chen
Bioscientifica staff and freelancers working on the journal reported no conflicts of interest. Article authors' declarations are stated in each journal article. Referees must disclose any competing interests before agreeing to review any submission. For more information on the journal’s ethical policy, please read the ethical guidelines.
This policy follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).